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Dispelling Myths About Recycling at Home
At Leboeuf Rubbish Removal, we aim to make waste disposal as simple and easy as possible. To this end, we will address some myths about recycling to ensure all the right products are being disposed of in the right places! This blog will discuss the cost implications and recycling guidelines to enforce and educate proper recycling habits.
The True Cost of Recycling
Fun fact… recycling is not free! Nowadays, recycling costs almost as much as trash per ton to process. Currently, most cities use single-stream recycling, meaning all the materials are placed in the same collection bin, which is easier for consumers but more costly as these materials need to be sorted by humans and machines later in the process. Multi-stream recycling is the cheaper but less popular option. This method includes separating the materials before they are collected, which is more complicated for the consumer but allows for a more accessible and less costly process.
Recycling Contamination Risks
Another recycling myth: if your cardboard or paper goods are contaminated with food, liquids, or bacteria, we cannot recycle them! Contamination will cause a more problematic and costly sorting cycle later in the process. If your recyclable goods are contaminated, remove the food from it, compost the food, and then recycle your goods. If you’re in a bind and can’t remove the food, throw it in the trash! This way, the food will not contaminate all the other recyclable goods and will allow the sorting process to run smoothly.
You Can’t Recycle Everything!
Many people think they are doing the right thing by recycling certain items when they are making the process harder and contaminating the recycling bins. Here’s a list of commonly recycled items that don’t belong in the recycling bin.
- Pizza boxes: these have food contamination and cannot be recycled unless thoroughly cleaned
- Plastic bags: not accepted by recycling centers, don’t bag up your recycling goods in a plastic bag!
- Shredded paper: cannot be sorted by facility machines, throw it out!
- Clothing or linens: donate instead!
- Food or liquids: compost!
*Note: Remember to empty and rinse containers and flatten cardboard before recycling!
Now that we’ve uncovered myths about recycling, you can think twice before deciding where to dispose of something. Refer to this blog as a reminder to maintain proper recycling habits! We have over 50 years of experience helping individuals and organizations in Massachusetts and Connecticut tackle garbage and recycling. Learn more about our residential and commercial services, of which recycling is only one. If you have any questions about recycling or the flier, contact us today. We are at your disposal.