Dealing with Illegal Dumping at Your Business or Work Site

Whether it’s an old mattress, some beat-up tires, or a full garage’s worth of junk: no one wants to see that in or around their businesses’ dumpsters or at a work site. If you’re having such problems and want to avoid the time, fines, and headaches surrounding illegal dumping at your business or work site, it’s time to take action. In this article, we’ll go over why illegal dumping happens, best practices to avoid it happening at your business, and how your garbage hauler can help. Continue reading Dealing with Illegal Dumping at Your Business or Work Site

What Can You Recycle with LeBoeuf Rubbish Removal?

At LeBoeuf Rubbish Removal, we want to make dealing with your waste, whether garbage or recycling, residential or commercial, as easy as possible. That’s why we’ve updated our recycling flyer to make it easier than ever to recycle the right products. This is a companion blog to that graphic and will go into more detail on what you can recycle with LeBoeuf, what single-stream recycling is, and what products aren’t allowed in recycling bins. Continue reading What Can You Recycle with LeBoeuf Rubbish Removal?

Dealing with Extra Trash (and Recycling) for Your Hauler

Some weeks your trashcan is light, and sometimes it’s heavy. The same goes for the recycling bin. If you find yourself with too much garbage or recycling when it’s time for your pickup, it’s important to know your options, best practices, and penalties you might face dealing with the extra trash. At home dealing with trash and recycling carts or at work dealing with dumpsters, LeBoeuf will guide you through dealing with extra trash and recycling in this blog. Continue reading Dealing with Extra Trash (and Recycling) for Your Hauler

Getting a Recycling or Trash Compactor for Your Business

Every business generates waste, and depending on the space, time, and capacity of your current garbage and recycling dumpsters and bins, it might be the perfect time for getting a recycling or trash compactor for your business. In this article, we’ll go over common reasons to get a compactor, the considerations of space, placement, and other factors when installing one, and what related services you’ll need to keep them empty and working. Continue reading Getting a Recycling or Trash Compactor for Your Business

Finding the Best Trash Collection Service for Your Community

Whether you’re looking for a better trash hauler or a change in the county means you’re looking for one for the first time, getting the best trash collection service for your community can be daunting. What are the qualities that make a rubbish removal reliable, which is arguably the most crucial trait in a trash hauler? In this article, we’re showing how our 50 years of experience is why communities big and small pick a company like LeBoeuf over all the rest. Continue reading Finding the Best Trash Collection Service for Your Community

Ditching the Dump: Our Curbside Bulk-Item Pickup Service

How often have you walked by that ugly couch you’ve stored in the garage, the mothballed air conditioner that no longer works, or the exercise equipment gathering dust? You’ve put off taking it to the dump yourself, and you don’t have enough to make calling the junk haulers a good deal. However, if you’re a current residential customer of LeBoeuf Rubbish Removal, we offer a curbside bulk-item pickup service just for these circumstances! Learn more below. Continue reading Ditching the Dump: Our Curbside Bulk-Item Pickup Service

Mattress Disposal: Why Your Rubbish Remover May Not Take Them

You may have gotten notice from your local waste handling municipality, city or town, or your garbage hauler about how box spring and mattress disposal has changed. In Massachusetts and Connecticut, there are both old and new laws surrounding mattresses and the landfill. When you’re looking to dispose of your mattress, you can expect new obstacles and solutions, especially with the mattress recycling laws on the books in parts of New England. Continue reading Mattress Disposal: Why Your Rubbish Remover May Not Take Them

Properly Bagging Trash and Cart Placement for LeBoeuf Rubbish Removal

No one likes to walk out of their house and realize they’ve missed garbage day or have to deal with spilled garbage from a badly aligned cart. And here at LeBoeuf Rubbish Removal, neither do we! We’ve put together this blog to go over tips and best practices for properly bagging trash and placing your cart to avoid littering garbage when our trucks come and pick them up. It prevents you from coming home to litter, improves your neighborhood and the environment, and ensures we can do our job as efficiently as possible. Continue reading Properly Bagging Trash and Cart Placement for LeBoeuf Rubbish Removal

Apartment Waste Management: Picking a Better Vendor

As any property management company knows, the key to happy tenants is for everything to happen on time. And one of the most obvious and important services is apartment waste management. Like all good services, it’s nearly invisible to residents when it’s working properly. But when it fails, you’re going to hear about it. If this has happened to you, it’s time to change. Learn more about what you’ll need to consider when picking a better waste management vendor for your complex. Continue reading Apartment Waste Management: Picking a Better Vendor

What Is Single-Stream Recycling?

Recycling was one of the first initiatives in the US to help reduce waste by taking out products that could be processed into new products. Today, after numerous reiterations, we’ve seen almost universal (and within New England, complete) acceptance of so-called “Single-Stream Recycling” as the best option for residents, municipalities, and businesses that process recycled products. Learn more about it as it applies to consumers, including why certain products aren’t allowed and how to avoid recycling fines. Continue reading What Is Single-Stream Recycling?