Should I Get a Garbage Compactor?

As businesses expand and change, so too does the garbage they generate. Apartments, condos, and new multi-family residences might want to offer better waste management to their communities. Regardless of your reasons, if you find yourself asking the question: “Should I get a garbage compactor?” below are the three follow-up questions to ask yourself, your team, or the board on whether a compactor makes sense for your specific situation and operation, and what to expect during the process. Continue reading Should I Get a Garbage Compactor?

Getting a Recycling or Trash Compactor for Your Business

Every business generates waste, and depending on the space, time, and capacity of your current garbage and recycling dumpsters and bins, it might be the perfect time for getting a recycling or trash compactor for your business. In this article, we’ll go over common reasons to get a compactor, the considerations of space, placement, and other factors when installing one, and what related services you’ll need to keep them empty and working. Continue reading Getting a Recycling or Trash Compactor for Your Business